Have you ever wondered why you’re not getting as much traction as you’d hoped with your online marketing? With the explosion of digital media, social networking and other online resources you want your voice to be heard, and to be trusted by your readers.
If you think you can achieve it by simply setting up a great website, corporate blog, Facebook profile page or a company Twitter feed, think again! You must also build a critical mass of followers who believe in you, and who trust you.
Would you believe me if I told you Al Dente Marketing is on the cutting edge of the digital marketing revolution, delivers all projects on time, and has an endless stream of satisfied customers? Most likely not, and here’s why…
“Corporate blogs rank at the bottom of the trust scale with only 16% of online consumers who read them saying that they trust them” Source: Forrester Research
(We find the above quote as ironic as you do, given that you’re reading our blog to learn how to build trust.)